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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Edward Striker on October 23, 2009, 05:46:02 pm

Title: Information on the Goblin [PR]
Post by: Edward Striker on October 23, 2009, 05:46:02 pm
*  OOC:  The following information is being shared with all as to help with IC actions.*

Please treat the upstairs rooms as “Locked!”  Unless issued a key by a staff member all upstairs rooms are secured, this includes the bath.  Secret meeting, a quickie with the one you lust after, or other such actions cannot take place unless a key has been issued.

If you wish to log using the Goblin, use the end of the hall or under the trees, use of the rooms is prohibited!  You would not want someone popping into your room would you?

There is a toilet downstairs to use also, the one upstairs is for paying guest!  If you want, you can pay to use the bath only.  Just be aware that the room keys also unlock the bath, but a bath key does NOT unlock rooms!

Thank you,
The Management