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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Edward Striker on October 26, 2009, 07:52:14 am

Title: [PR] Home for SALE 15x15
Post by: Edward Striker on October 26, 2009, 07:52:14 am
(http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/3295/tibshomeforsale.jpg) (http://img32.imageshack.us/i/tibshomeforsale.jpg/)

Ok here’s the deal!
I was looking for a better locations and bigger size for Tibs!  Garak Nightchill transferred a plot to me in Altmere.  The trade went well.

I then went to resize the plot and the game lock up, when it reestablished, the plot was gone, and my House Placement Tool, said I had to wait 168 hours be for I could place another home!

I then checked my house; it was in decay mode and is going to fall!  I have no way of making my original house my primary.  I attempted twice to deal with GMs to fix the problem and all I got was a text message that covered nothing to do with my issue.  I have sent an e-mail/bug report to UO, and have yet heard anything back!

So what it boils down to is.  I lost my new plot, I can’t place a new home for 7 days, and the area that I was going to build in will more then likely be grabbed by someone before my 7 days are up, and I am losing my current home cause I have no way of making it my primary, and UO has now wish to help in this matter!

So I am taking all my major items and moving them to Edwards House and store them there.  I would like this plot to go to a fellow BOCer if possible.

I’m asking 500,000 gold for it but am willing to give to a BOC if necessary to keep it in the guild.

Contact me via ICQ: 441-049-714


Title: Re: [PR] Home for SALE 15x15
Post by: Celuvian on October 26, 2009, 09:31:41 am
Im sure someone would be willing to simply hold it for you until you can sort the situation? That way you loose nothing. *nod* I know I would if I had an account without a house on it.

Title: Re: [PR] Home for SALE 15x15
Post by: Keane Wakefield on October 26, 2009, 02:36:37 pm
If  you do want to sell it I would  Be interested. I belive you have my icq. Thanks :)

Title: Re: [PR] Home for SALE 15x15
Post by: Xavier on October 26, 2009, 05:04:46 pm
If your willing to risk it you can try and resize the house that is decaying (after emptying it of course) and that should reset it. I've done it a few times myself when I've bounced houses amongst accounts. If you don't want to do that let me know and I'd be willing to hold the house until you can place again.

Title: Re: [PR] Home for SALE 15x15
Post by: Edward Striker on October 26, 2009, 05:18:16 pm

A side note to who ever read this post or went and check my house out and found the commodities chest I forgot to secure!  Hope you enjoy all the boards, ingots, bottle, bones and other items that where in there! 

I don’t think is was one of you, my fellow guild mates, I think it was some one who looks for post like this or an IDOC scripter.

Title: Re: [PR] Home for SALE 15x15
Post by: Raven on October 28, 2009, 12:11:41 pm
Hm, I was going to say i had the same problem, and the GM's helped me.