Title: Gate sentry ! Tuesday 17:00 GMT 7/6 - 05 Post by: Tweeso Pebble on June 07, 2005, 12:58:24 pm Couse of this highly increase of bandits I decided to take the part in my hand of Sargent Shadwells request. So all guardsman! Attend with... wh...
Where: Outside Barracks! When: 17:00 GMT Date: 7/6 2005 Bring: Heavy arms , Armor and Bandages. We going to make sure everyone who steps in and out through our gates are safe pointed. I will also write the reports myself as I did take it as a duty. Shadwells Request. Guardsmen! Militia Command has noticed an increase of robberies and assaults. This time even the Militia themself are the target of these brigands. Cove must stay a safe town. Objectives [3] * Cove is to be patrolled and a sentry post must be built at the gate. Everyone entering must be searched for weapons. * Covianshire must be patrolled from coast to mountain. * A sizeable force must be send to Altmere and root out any brigand activity. Conditions * Three reports are to be written. (You may do one objective at a time) * A Watchman, or above, MUST lead this Duty. * A full report must be posted below in THIS thread (include paintings). * At least five guardsmen must take part. * Sentry post MUST be fortified and held for thirty minutes. * One guardsman must be inside the sentry post at ALL times. Sergeant Shadwell Covian Militia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Signed* Junioor Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw [OOC] All bandits could also take part and perhaps have some fun? *evil grin* |