Title: (Contest) Operation Halloween Warfare!!! Post by: Lucas Drachen on October 29, 2009, 07:53:33 am Alright this is kind of OOC but can also be braught IC as well if the players wish. I am going to host a little contest this year for Halloween. I will be rewarding the winner with a check for 1 Million gold (I know not amazing but heeey).
I would like to Thank Railen and Kiran for giving me this idea and I hope they don't mind me putting it to use. But here we go... (http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/5499/kirpunkd.png) "Railen's stealth assault on Kiran's homefront...Impressive!!" The Contest: The Object of this contest is to "Ambush" decorate another person's home be it on the outside or the inside to make it Festive for Halloween. Consider it your trick for this year. The idea behind this is to surprise the owner and not make them angry so I beg of you don't put anything that's going to make someone angry.. heh. Take a Screenshot of the decorating you did. I will pick two of the screenshots on Halloween and on will recieve 1 Million gold, the other 500,000. I wanna see some Halloween SPirit people!! Do some tricks to earn a treat! Rules: 1. Must be another players house, not one you own. 2. No locking anything down(if you are able to) 3. Be curtious not to overdo it 4. Nothing vulgar or obscene 5. DONT GET CAUGHT!! 6. Have Fun! Happy Halloween Cove! Title: Re: (Contest) Operation Halloween Warfare!!! Post by: Aliryl on October 29, 2009, 01:43:46 pm Good idea. Bit of rogue gardening.