Title: Any book worms out there? Post by: Edward Striker on October 29, 2009, 03:44:48 pm Any book worms out there?
I have a collection of in game and player written books from around Europa. Even some written by those in the guild! A total of 225 items, 286 stones worth. I would hate to see them end up in the trash barrel, which is where they will be heading if no one ones them. I also sent an ICQ to Gwen in DOT, because a lot of them came from that guild. If you want them, ICQ me at: 441-049-714 p.s. they go as a group, no pawing though them! Title: Re: Any book worms out there? Post by: Raiden Morana on October 29, 2009, 03:55:32 pm I'll take them.
Heaven knows where i'll put them as I'm up to my lock down limit but i'll take them and distribute copies to DoT or whoever else may have an interest. Title: Re: Any book worms out there? Post by: Pickles on October 29, 2009, 04:58:59 pm I would also love to have them ;)
Title: Re: Any book worms out there? Post by: Kiran on October 29, 2009, 06:40:50 pm I got a library full of ic books, happy to snatch some.