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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Griffith on June 08, 2005, 09:05:10 am

Title: Siege Training
Post by: Griffith on June 08, 2005, 09:05:10 am
It was yet early morning in Cove, the rising sun illuminated the humble, quiet town of Cove.  Yet is was never too early for some training.  The Guardsmen of Cove, those that were awake, gathered at the Covian gates for some battle excercises.

Led By:
Valiro - Junior Guardsman

Those Present:
Antonius Proximo - Knight of Cove
Griffith - Guardsman Recruit
Indrid Cold - Guardsman Recruit
Invictus Flavius - Guardsman Recruit
Morgoth - Guardsman Recruit
Talon - Guardsman Recruit

The setting were the walls of the city itself.  The objective was for the attacking party to invade the city and subdue its defenders.  Those participating ultimatley had the opportunity to switch sides and practice both roles.  There were a series of perhaps 4 or 5 simulated battles, in which in every case the defenders were victorious no matter how the teams were arranged.  Valiro, Junior Guardsmen, demonstrated various battle tactics, exemplifying numerous strategies of fortifying doorways, walls, and towers. 

*pins drawing on the barracks wall*
(http://img67.echo.cx/img67/6683/trainingcomplete4ky.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us)

*pins another drawing beside the first*
(http://img67.echo.cx/img67/9605/teambattle8tk.jpg) (http://www.imageshack.us)

The training was invaluable.  My thanks to Valiro, the organizer of this excersise.  Futhermore, congratulations to both Guardsman Recruit Morgoth and Guardsman Recruit Talon for demonstrating their excellent team fighting skills and battle tactics.  Though all who participated did well, these two soldiers stood out amidst the ranks.

*signed Griffith, Guardsmen Recruit*