Title: TASK - Templi Squire Marcus Antonius - An Ecumenical Matter - Chapter One Post by: Roland Dagorian on November 03, 2009, 05:21:10 pm Brother Marcus,
A priest, Father Yves du Bois hath arrived in Altmere, staying with the Healers until an escort can be arranged to bring him to Cove. This priest doth seek to usurp Father Cornelius Rege's position as Bishop of Cove and doth seek to alter the Church. I have prayed for guidance as I fear Father du Bois doth not follow Avatar's will in this matter. I will speak to thee in person regarding this escort. The presence of other Templi, Church Guardsmen and other wytch hunters is advised, as the road to Altmere is infested with brigands. Other Guardsmen may accompany thee. Contact me when thou art ready to carry out thy task. In Nomini Deus, Roland Dagorian Templar |