Title: Assault on the Orc Dungeon: 8:00pm Tuesday 10th, 2009 Post by: Kal/Mathew on November 04, 2009, 03:49:17 pm When: 8:00pm Tuesday 10th, 2009
Where: Barracks Bring: Full Battle Kits Ok Ladies and Gentlemen it has been too long sence we cleaned out the Orcs dungeon and I hear that is it on the up rise, and they are rebuilding their futile but effective weapons again. We will go forth and make sure it is all distroyed again and make sure they know that the Surface folks do not want their kind around. We will need a few Grenadiers for they carry what we need to distroy these weapons. So if none show we will then improvise away to distroy them out selves and make sure it is done with again for a long time. Our Allies will be welcome to aide us as it is in their home lands that these orc Live in. Any Civilians are welcome to tag along to gather what resources they can from these Orcs. Title: Re: Assault on the Orc Dungeon: 8:00pm Tuesday 10th, 2009 Post by: Raiden Morana on November 10, 2009, 10:16:49 am *pins to the top of the board*
Let's smash some orc. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |