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Command Boards => Thieves' Den => Topic started by: Kiran on November 15, 2009, 07:35:16 am

Title: Clearing a way
Post by: Kiran on November 15, 2009, 07:35:16 am
*Copy of a report*

Greetings, officers, sergeants, Commander and so forth.

It has come to my notice some rules within the Goblin has been added, ontop of the normal rules... I am sure you can see the problem with them when I show you these sketches.


The concern is that taxes are not to be collected in the Goblin... You realise of course such is unaceptable. people will now start using the idea that there own "homes" and buisneses are places of refuge from the collectors. I wish for a public notice to be written to clear up there is no such thing as a ban within the Goblin... concerning taxes.

Thank you for your time.

Kiran, Bailiff of Cove


As if they can keep us out of the Goblin...