Title: A letter for Mat Shadowhand Post by: Jassi Cowin on November 15, 2009, 08:19:28 pm Greetings Mat, I have a rather large order for.. You have done great as a service so far, and now I need your helping hands more than ever, I will be sure to pay you well, this will be much time consuming.
Here is the list of what I need. 50 benches 3 Cherry Armoire 1 bamboo screen 2 plain low table 3 whie hanging lanterns 5 elegant armoires 10 small tables 4 maple armoires 2 elven bookshelves 1 orante wood chest 4 water troughs(south) 20 goza mats (big singles)(dark red) 9 goza mats (single) (dark red) 4 water troughs(east) 15 chairs(vesper style) 10 stools 1 plain wooden chest 3 paper lanterns 4 elven reading chairs 2 orange elven chests (east) 7 oil clothes 1 rarewood chest If there is anything I need to provide, just let me know. *signed* Jassi Cowin Title: Re: A letter for Mat Shadowhand Post by: Chopper on November 15, 2009, 09:03:55 pm Hmm! I can indeed fill your Order Ser but you will have to give me a couple of days to make sure I have enough Materials
Signed: Mat Shadowhand Title: Re: A letter for Mat Shadowhand Post by: Chopper on November 17, 2009, 08:38:12 pm After collecting the materials needed for this big order for three days I went to the house to start filling the largs order. I took my saw cutting the wood to the sizes needed for each item on the list and then began to assemble them one by one placeing them into a packing crate carefully.
(http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/7475/uo0001.jpg) (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/5923/uo0002jb.jpg) (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7247/uo0003ke.jpg) (http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8269/uo0004l.jpg) After many hours of assembling and packing as I went along, I finally finiished and then packed them on my pack horse and moved them to Cove so they could be picked up with ease. After getting them all moved, I sent a pigeon out to mister Jassi. Soon enough a friend of his came picking up the packing crates and I was soon off to return to my home to relax after that big order. Signed Commoner: Mat Shadowhand Title: Re: A letter for Mat Shadowhand Post by: Freckletip on November 18, 2009, 01:42:46 pm 35 shillings are awarded to Mr Mat Shadowhand for his hard work.
*signed* P Freckletip Steward |