Title: Watchman Duty ~ Building Base Post by: Kelly Sanderson on November 23, 2009, 07:57:10 pm Here goes a task for all those creative kinds...
Knowing how to make your own camp for the night when in urgent need is an invaluable skill to acquire. ~ With t least 1 other guardsman, make a camp or base in the forests surrounding Cove ~ Write a report of your efforts, including a finalised sketch of your structure. This task may be completed by Watchmen. This task may only be completed once per character. Sergeant's comments: If it is a dangerous location in the forest, be sure to post a lookout. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ Building Base Post by: Graum Trolle on September 07, 2010, 10:58:24 pm A simple task to go for a camping trip sounded like a perfect way to kill time on a slow day. Having grown up in the woods, and spent my life prior to joining the army as a hunter these were all skills I knew I had, and things I knew I would be able to do, easily. So I simply packed up my kit, making sure I had all of my things with me, especially my saw, axe and knife, the three base tools you cannot possibly do this without. Well, almost.
I trekked north from Cove, looking for a good spot to set up camp. I wanted a spot that would be easy to defend, had good access to water and the raw materials I'd need for my camp. I eventually came upon the perfect spot up on the north shore, nearly on the way to Minoc. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base1.png) Once I had the spot for my camp sorted I just had to go to work. Axe in hand I went out into the nearby woods and started gathering logs, twigs and branches I could build with. I also came across a bear who apparently was hungry enough to think me a good dinner. Fortunately the bear's skin would come to great use when making a roof for my little hut. I dragged my material back to the spot I had chosen for my camp, and got to work... (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base2.png) (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base3.png) Eventually, I had a functional little hut ready that'd keep me warm and dry through the night. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base4.png) (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base5.png) With a place to sleep ready, the next step in my plan was to gather something to eat. With a belly full of food I'd be able to sleep like a baby. So I set out into the woods surrounding my camp, and set a few traps. With the traps set, I hid away and waited. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base6.png) (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base7.png) (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base8.png) With my pray turned into a nice piece of meat, I returned to my camp and set up a little campfire. I admit that I did cheat a bit when I packed for my trip, because I brought along a bottle of ale from the Goblin, which would help spice up my dinner. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base9.png) With a stomach full of ale-braised wolf steak, which sadly had not tasted nearly as good as it had in my mind when I had planned it, I crawled into my little hut and went to sleep for the night. The night went great, and the hut kept me both warm and dry, and I woke up feeling great. (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base10.png) (http://home.no/aeonsociety/BoC/buildingbase/base11.png) Signed, Graum Trolle, Watchman Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ Building Base Post by: Gregor Eason on May 29, 2011, 03:48:15 pm Building A Base
Dermott Eason, Watchman Constructing sentry posts has been drilled into me since my days in the Skara Brae Rangers. I knew such a tradition would only be continued in the Covian Army. I grabbed a few essentials from Cove and then head out to the Shire just as the sun had set. The night was eerily quiet as I guided my way through the trees. Once I found a clearing in the heart of the Shire, I set out lanterns and positioned the foundations of the outpost. I fortified the location with hides, and set up a cosy habitat within its walls. Sitting in my outpost through the night I pondered what might be out here in the Shire with me. Soon I heard some rustling and a horseman I’ve not seen before appeared. He wore a red sash and attempted to intimidate me, but departed when I ordered him to. A scoundrel of some sort, perhaps? (http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/5016/dbase.jpg) A lonely outpost. Dermott Eason Watchman, Covian Army Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ Building Base Post by: Aleri Briggs on June 28, 2011, 06:16:51 am Forte wythin a Forte: INSPEKTION! - 28/06/2011
Argh! Wat a day! Out an aboot on a loveli Patrole and I come akross a tribal camp! In Cove! Outraygeos! Mi quik thinking poynted straite at the Orks...muste be theyre doing! But the Orks...were NOTT very cooperatife! I had to (http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/9521/bocsentry280620111.jpg) Suspishish camp...and the Orks had nott a lot to say! They drove mi bak to theyre Forte where I had to build one of mi own in theyres out of loose tymber from theyre own walls, and thicke hydes from Orks! Ew! (http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/5307/bocsentry280620112.jpg) The Forte bearly stood overnite, had to make it out quik! I camped that Forte overnite, killing any Ork that attemted to enter, and I made way bak to Cove after a bit maor killin! Glade to make it oute alive, and glade to take som of them down tooo! Aleri Briggs, Watchmen Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ Building Base Post by: Saerandir on July 21, 2018, 04:11:02 pm Seeing this duty I thought it would be a perfect idea to use so I could keep watch on the house Miss Harper is healing in. Last night some strange occurrence was happening around the house, which Recruit Gar thought could be Undead and so I felt it best to set up a proper watch in the area.
(https://image.ibb.co/mXmnZJ/camp2.jpg) I started by selecting a few good trees and an area that offered some natural defence and protection against the elements as well as the crates I built. Chopping the wood wasn't too difficult with all the practice I have had with making arrows and building sentries. (https://image.ibb.co/jC6Aod/camp3.jpg) A good camp needs a place to sleep and a place to cook food so I found myself a sleeping mat and set it against the wall with the tree as shelter from any rain and then placed my cooking fire on the opposite side away from the tree but close enough that the warmth from the fire would keep me warm as I slept. (https://image.ibb.co/nppwTd/camp4.jpg) The camp was small enough for one but big enough to allow some movement inside it. The area was fairly free of beasts and other such monsters so I was able to settle in and keep watch without fear of being distracted. Watchman Saerandir. Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ Building Base Post by: Raven on August 08, 2018, 05:39:12 pm Present:
Rook, Watchman Raven, Regular Grenadier Activity: I had set out through the woods on a short patrol. On the way aroun' I found some interestin' barrels. I called in assistance from Raven an' we set up camp while I made sense of the barrels. (http://www.givemeapassword.co.uk/boc/0103.png) *Signed, Rook* Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ Building Base Post by: Serj Eason on November 13, 2018, 09:23:38 pm As part of my patrolling rota, I setup a fine sentry post with Junior Guardsman Sheriam Palmer just south of the Graveyard.
http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=16588.msg103176#msg103176 Serj Eason, Watchman Covian Army |