Title: Cor'Ari Ta Post by: Cor Ari Ta on June 10, 2005, 06:29:29 am Cor'Ari Ta age 19 in human years in Elven years unknown.
One of his special traits is the ability of walking in the Shadows. For some reason it comes natural to him. He lived with the savages for many years. There he learned how to Fight, Hunt for food, and to survive when times get harsh. Cor'Ari Ta has been Called a Drow by mant Humans that he came across from time to time, He has no recollection of who he really is, For all he knows is that he is a Tribesman. One day they went out on a hunt but no animals could be found so thay wondered up on this village where the Lead Tribesman wanted to attack and kill all the humans there and bring them back for food, But Cor'Ari Ta did not want anything to do with the killing of women and Children so he turned and started walking off when they caught him and deemed him a traitor. They tied him down and made him watch the onslaught of the massacre, all he could really hear were the women and children screaming and the other Tribesman cheering, it made him feel alone and sick in his stomache that he passed out. He later woke up tied to steaks in the ground where he was left to die. Three days went by and he was starting to get really weak from no food or water except fr when it rained and even that was not enough to sestain him. On the fourth day he was awakes by the sounds of battle, He opened his eyes and could barely focus, but he did see this dark tall figure fighting five tribesmen. After about ten minutes of fighting things went quiet and he could no longer see the dark tall figure untill he was cut free. He then passed out. When he awoke he was in a new strange place and the smell of mutten was floating all around that he almost forgot how hungry he was. He sat up and to his surprise there was thar Dark tall figure of a man that he seen fighting the Savages that guarded him. The man introdused him self as Kal ShadowHand, and welcomed him to cove where he now is in the Militia. |