Title: [Report] Grave Duty Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on December 13, 2009, 08:00:33 pm A. PATROL SIZE AND COMPOSITION:
Company of three (3): Iolan Grimsditch, Recruit Guardsman, Core Division (Field Leader) Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman, Core Division Larinya Angalae, Watchman, Core Division B. MISSION (Type, location, purpose of patrol): To reinforce and hold the Covian Shire's graveyard crypt until undead activity subsided. C. TIME OF DEPARTURE AND RETURN: 12/12. Estimated time of departure, 0000hrs. Estimated time of return, 0130hrs. D. ROUTES OUT AND BACK: The group disembarked from the barracks and marched into the Shire with short delay in surrounding woods to gather hides for supports under advisement of Watchman Whalebiter. Company attacked from the front gates of the yard and cleared the area in full before reinforcements were built and held at the crypt's top steps. Conducted a last sweep of the yard itself and surrounding area before returning to the barracks. E. RESULTS OF ENEMY ENCOUNTERS: Company encountered and destroyed three liches and strong presence of other undead through the night. 4,000gp were collected from remains and turned in to the coffers upon return. F. CONDITION OF PERSONNEL: No casualties. G. CONCLUSIONS/FURTHER COMMENTS: It's a sorry sight to see souls so unsettled. I pray Avatar that they may rest in peace now. *a signature is underlined below:* Iolan Grimsditch Guardsman Recruit, Core Division (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Duty2GraveDuty.png) |