Title: Merry Avamass 2009! Post by: Faden on December 14, 2009, 02:49:42 am (http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/avamass_2009.jpg) Many people this evening gathered at the Memorial Square to celebrate the coming of Avamass! There were gifts exchanged, a raffle and much eating and drinking. When it became dark everyone ran around and lit all the lights. Merry Avamass one and all! Signed, Faden Wildheart Regular Scout. Title: Re: Merry Avamass 2009! Post by: Axiana on December 14, 2009, 03:25:03 am (OOC:-Faden thanks for posting a picture up. And thanks to all of those who took part during the evening, with the bonfire the fireworks, the raffle etc etc. Attendees are as follows in case you get accredited in some way:-
Citizens Penny Mai Axiana Moraine Guardsmen Vaughn Faden Wildheart Delferium Bersi Demarian Kas Outsiders Of whom there were several but I cannot recall their names; a goblin, several from vesper, a gargoyle, and some from other guilds. If I have forgotten you in the list I am sorry and if so, please add your name below. Oh and if you took any more pictures i'd love to see them. Many thanks.) Title: Re: Merry Avamass 2009! Post by: Kas Valentine on December 14, 2009, 06:48:27 pm Dolores Haze from New Haven attended, my incredibly difficult adopted daughter ! >:(
Title: Re: Merry Avamass 2009! Post by: Raiden Morana on December 16, 2009, 10:29:10 am 75 Shillings awarded ~ Axiana Takeamada
30 Shillings awarded ~ Other civilians attending. *signed* Raiden, Commander. p.s. Merry Avamass... *mumbles* |