Title: [Report] Drill and Inspection Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on December 14, 2009, 03:06:15 am A. SIZE AND COMPOSITION:
5 attending: Kurt Alimar, Senior Guardsman, Core Division (Instructor) Celuvian Haap, Junior Guardsman, Core Division Bersi, Junior Guardsman, Core Division Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman, Core Division Iolan Grimsditch, Recruit Guardsman, Core Division B. OBJECTIVE: To build confidence in the field through preparedness and discipline. C. START/END TIMES: 13/12. 1600hrs to 1700hrs. D. EXERCISES COMPLETED: 1. Free-for-all. Guardsmen practised field fighting skills battling against one another. This ended in quick and decisive win for arcanists. 2. Formation drill. Guardsmen were taught to form quickly around the commanding officer and to fall into a tracker's line. 3. Cross-healing drill. Guardsmen were placed into two opposing teams of 2 men each. Teams fired at each other until healing on one end slipped and both soldiers fell. Losing team was made to do ten press-ups. 4. Kit inspection. During line-up each guardsman was made to sound off and present bedroll, light source, bandages, parade arm. As not all guardsmen present were fully kitted, entire group was made to run long lap to Cove gate and back. Lecture followed regarding the importance of all troops keeping well-prepared and disciplined to ensure strength of the army as a whole. 5. Free-for-all. Again won by an arcanist, although others competed longer during this round. G. CONCLUSIONS/PERSONAL NOTES: Not an easy afternoon. Our instructor was exacting and demanded perfect discipline. I am certainly more confident at least in understanding what is expected of me here. *a signature is underlined below:* Iolan Grimsditch Guardsman Recruit, Core Division (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Training1Alimar.png) Title: Re: [Report] Drill and Inspection Post by: Raiden Morana on December 14, 2009, 10:28:28 am Well done guardsmen.
Grand report recruit. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |