Title: [RTR] Regarding Roleplay Post by: Joey Lanai on June 11, 2005, 09:55:41 pm I've noticed in game with some people Roleplay is laxx, so i thought i'de make a few pointers on some minor subjects.
Armed Weapons First up is arming weapons, as a character carrying weapons is usually a casual thing, but i've noticed in training and when arresting some people dont disarm, You think you could do press-ups and "Chain peoples hands" with weapons in your hands? come on, ofcourse you cant ! so dont expect your character to. Speaking OOC in game When your playing your character, there is no OOC chat to be done, no "Im relogging" and such, if you need to relog perhaps "Tie your boots" in character or adjusts a shield strap. Seeing through walls Your characters are not super hero's ! to many times i've noticed people chase someone purely because the name they see in the game window, dont do it ! If there is a 14 foot tall wall infront of you, then you wouldnt be able to see someone on the other side. Party chat Yeah, we all know party chat is the place we make OOC conversation, but try not to take it to far? I've noticed people have been calling people around in party and calling targets which could just have easily been said in game, over-using the party chat function will cause there to be less roleplay, where's the fun in that? after all we are a roleplaying guild in a roleplaying community. These arent aimed at anyone in perticular, just some basic guide lines to go by when playing your character, so dont take offence :D Title: Re: [RTR] Regarding Roleplay Post by: Bayne on June 12, 2005, 12:27:37 pm It has to be understood though that in some events it is necessary to go without much rp and just use party chat, such as huge pvp battles. Players simply don't have time to be emoting and speaking in ye olde english whilst fighting off a regiment of Yew Grd ;)
Other than that though I would definitely agree. Title: Re: [RTR] Regarding Roleplay Post by: Shadwell on June 12, 2005, 12:42:33 pm You should try to roleplay every time everywhere. We are roleplayers, ofcourse in battle one will listen to orders and the main orders are given not thru party but as it should be.
Party is for heal bars and calling targets! Title: Re: [RTR] Regarding Roleplay Post by: Bayne on June 12, 2005, 01:07:55 pm Tbh in the heat of battle with orange and green names appearing everywhere, the only thing I have time to read is party chat.