Title: *A Lone Figure Departs From The Baron's Chambers* Post by: Raiden Morana on January 02, 2010, 07:26:21 pm *A package and note delivered by hand to the Baron's chambers*
My liege, It is with a heavy heart that I pen this letter. I have spent most of my life in first the militia and then the army serving you and Cove as a guardsman, a Grenadier, a Corporal, Sergeant, Captain and Commander. It has been an honour and a pleasure to serve but I respectfully and regretfully ask that I be relieved of my duties as Commander and be allowed to return to the ranks. My wife and family have often been targetted by those who wish to attack Cove or those that would try to use them to turn me against my homeland and Baron. They deserve better but alas our enemies do not always wage war as honourably as we do and so, in light of my years of loyal service to you and Cove, I respectfully ask that I be returned to the ranks to lessen the threat to my family and indirectly to you. I will serve you just as well as my liege. Your servant, Raiden Morana, Former Commander of the Covian Army. *Enclosed with the note is a bundle including a pair of bronze arms, Household sash and swagger stick* |