Title: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Raiden Morana on January 02, 2010, 07:35:57 pm Greetings Covians,
As I sit here almost two years to the day since I officially and somewhat out of the blue became GM of BoC I feel a great sense of pride at what has been achieved in what many would have had us believe was a dying and doomed community. However, over the past few months it's become increasingly difficult for me to devote the time and energy required to fulfil the role of GM to the level that I expect of myself. My family deserve more of my time and I'd like to spend the reduced time I'll have to RP in game having fun rather than dealing with the various OOC distractions that often become part and parcel of GM life. Therefore the decision I've deliberated long and hard over is that I'll be standing down as GM of BoC. I'm very grateful to Octiovus for agreeing to come back and resume control of the guild that he created over five years ago and I'm sure he'll guide us to further glory as GM once more. I'm not leaving UO or BoC but my game time will be reduced, so I'll continue with Raiden in a lesser role. * * * * * As is customary in these types of posts I'd like to say a few thankyous, hopefully without gushing too much. Firstly I'd like to thank Octi for giving me the opportunity to GM the finest guild in UO RP. It has been both an honour and a pleasure. I'd also like to thank everyone who has served on the Command team over the past two years with special thanks to Hoagie, Kelly and Carcer, without who's efforts it's unlikely that we'd still be here enjoying ourselves. A big thank you too to Keres and Penny for their efforts more recently. I also owe a debt of thanks to former Commanders Erik and especially Gregor, who's wise words have been greatly appreciated during my term as BoC GM. Before this note turns into an essay I'd just like to wish Octi and everyone in the Command team the best of luck. Keep on Covin'. Raiden. BoC GM, Jan 2008-Jan 2010. Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Hoagie on January 02, 2010, 07:39:45 pm *Salutes.*
Was a pleasure! Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Linaeus on January 02, 2010, 07:49:36 pm *Blatantly quotes Hoagie*
Quote *Salutes.* Was a pleasure! Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Kelly Sanderson on January 02, 2010, 07:52:12 pm Pleasure a'was.
Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Freckletip on January 02, 2010, 08:02:25 pm *sniffle*
Glad we'll still have you about. Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Delfer on January 02, 2010, 08:37:49 pm We love you. Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Faden on January 03, 2010, 12:49:53 am Damn, thanks for all the time you've committed. I am pleased to hear you are staying as Cove wouldn't be the same without you!
Its also nice to hear that Octi will be coming back! Our families must always come first. Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Gregor Eason on January 03, 2010, 01:32:10 am The finest guardsman ever to have graced the ranks of Cove.
His courage was absolute and his strength without peer. And now he's no longer Command we can all kick 'im in! MWAHAHAH!! My thanks for doing an incredible job as GM, man. It'll be sad to see you go from Command. GM can most of the time be a very 'unsung hero' kinda job - the hours you put in behind the scenes were immense, and you were still able to show your face in-game and present leadership. And also being the only or at least one of the few guardsmen to have made it through the entire structure from Recruit to the top is a fantastic achievement and I challenge any of you noobs to do the same :) My best wishes to you and your family :) x Surya/Eason Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Marcus Kobra on January 04, 2010, 10:58:11 pm Raiden,
As you go to stepping down, remember that all of us here owe you a debt of gratitude for your efforts. That many of us, myself included, owe you an apology for things we said when we thought the door was closed so to speak. You've suffered blame, anger, mockery, Armchair GM-ing, fame, love, achievement and friendship at our hands. Some of that you didn't deserve. . . IE. the whole blame anger and mockery. But you deserve much more love and friendship for doing what you do, what you did, and what you'll no doubt continue to do. You've truly been a keeper of the Covian Way As those before you have, and hopefully those after shall as well. Cheers mate! And for the Covian Way. -MK Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Railen Morana on January 05, 2010, 05:30:50 am Good thing you aren't leaving or I would personally have to hunt you down and drag you back. *winks*
I look forward to continuing playing with you as you have time. Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Celuvian on January 10, 2010, 03:30:53 pm Thanks for everything matey, be seeing you ingame then! :)
Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Louis Calavera on January 11, 2010, 06:27:32 pm Thank you for everything Commander !!
We love you ! Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Khaelieth on January 12, 2010, 09:18:03 pm Can i have your guilds?
;p Title: Re: [RTR] A New Year, A New Begining & A New Chapter For Cove Post by: Kas Valentine on January 20, 2010, 06:54:07 pm A very belated thank you chief, a massive one in fact, you've truly entered the annals of Covian history in style.
During all the time I've spent in Cove you've always been around in one way or another. You've always provided excellent roleplay and concrete leadership without once coming off as too strict or lacking in heart. The face you've provided to both our friends and our enemies has never done anything but assure them that the Baronship is a guild they can trust with their interaction. On top of that you've provided a limitless influence and I'm certain I'm not the only person that's learned from your example. Off the field of battle Raiden Morana has been a truly memorable character, with men and women alike. You've endeared yourself to us, been a fine guardsman and valiantly shouldered the mantle of Commander. Thanks for all the time you have dedicated to us over the years matey, we won't forget it. For now you appreicate that hard earned quality time with the family and we'll see you when we see you. Cheers, KV. (PS; If you don't come see us Buttons and I will egg your house, consider yourself forewarned) |