Title: [Report] Sanderson's Saturday Sentry Post by: Bersi on January 03, 2010, 09:05:18 pm Attended:
Sergeant, Kelly Sanderson (Leading) Grenadier Sergeant, Torrak Keres Regular Scout, Faden Wildheart Junior Arcanist, Bersi Junior Arcanist, Thomas Aylmer Guardsman Recruit, Victor Kien Last evening Sergeant Sunderson led a sentry to keep barracks protected against any unwanted visitors. Guardsmen were ordered to collect resources for sentry building. Wood and hides were delivered quite quickly and in an hour a nice and sturdy sentry has been built in front of the barracks. Next couple of hours we were guarding it quite bravely. Some time later unknown to me Covian scout, recruit candidate and his rather annoying wife approached our sentry and entered the barracks to get a badge and an uniform for the recruit. (http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt68/Bersi/JG_Report_10.png) *signed perfunctorily* Junior Arcanist, Bersi |