Title: [Report Folder] Swamp Duty Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on January 17, 2010, 04:20:05 am
Title: [Report] Swamp Duty: Building Base Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on January 17, 2010, 04:50:02 am BUILDING BASE A. SIZE AND COMPOSITION OF GROUP: Company of three (3): Iolan Grimsditch, Watchman, Core Division (Field Leader) Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman, Core Division Larinya Angalae, Watchman, Core Division B. OBJECTIVE: To build a base from which to launch the month's operations. C. BASE LOCATION: Northernmost tip of Bog of Desolation, at Minoc Road break point (61o 16'N, 49o 38'E): (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Duty1BuildingBaseM.png) D. METHODS:
E. CONCLUSIONS/PERSONAL NOTES: The base is a sturdy one and hard to spot, if a little small. Given the extra care needed and hostile environment it took longer than expected to erect, but, Avatar willing, the structure will hold through my stay. *a signature is underlined below:* Iolan Grimsditch Watchman, Core Division (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Duty1BuildingBase.png) Title: [Report] Swamp Duty: Patrol 1 Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on January 17, 2010, 05:16:26 am INITIAL PATROL OF BASE AREA A. PATROL SIZE AND COMPOSITION: Company of three (3): Iolan Grimsditch, Watchman, Core Division (Field Leader) Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman, Core Division Larinya Angalae, Watchman, Core Division B. MISSION (Type, location, purpose of patrol): To clear the area nearest our base of any hostiles. C. ROUTES OUT AND BACK: Company travelled directly south from base (61o 16'N, 49o 38'E) until overwhelmingly outnumbered by hostiles; returned via eastern edge of bog. D. RESULTS OF ENEMY ENCOUNTERS: No critical danger found nearest base ("slimes", rats, mongbats only). Area due south found infested with lizardmen, ratmen; further still south much larger vermin appear composed of bewitched plantlife (name unknown), man-sized "slimes" which project toxins. These were initially despatched with moderate difficulty but their numbers became too great. We returned to base until a larger party could be formed. Loot collected was counted on completion of second patrol later that day. E. CONDITION OF PERSONNEL: No casualties. *a signature is underlined below:* Iolan Grimsditch Watchman, Core Division (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Patrol1Swamps1.png) Title: [Report] Swamp Duty: Patrol 2 Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on January 17, 2010, 05:45:31 am SECONDARY PATROL
A. PATROL SIZE AND COMPOSITION: Company of four (4): Iolan Grimsditch, Watchman, Core Division (Field Leader) Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman, Core Division Larinya Angalae, Watchman, Core Division Illyana, Guardsman Recruit, Core Division B. MISSION (Type, location, purpose of patrol): To clear the Bog of Desolation of aggressives. C. TIME OF DEPARTURE AND RETURN: 16/01. Estimated time of departure, 1600hrs. Estimated time of return, 1630hrs. D. ROUTES OUT AND BACK: As before, company travelled directly south from base (61o 16'N, 49o 38'E) and returned via eastern edge of bog when overwhelmed by strength and numbers of the enemy. E. RESULTS OF ENEMY ENCOUNTERS: Majority of aggressives were no threat except by sheer numbers. Company encountered lizardmen, ratmen, snakes, slimes, hostiles presumably undead. Further progress southwards was made possible with arcane back-up; however, the heart of the bog remained impenetrable. Party eliminated 3 of the large "slimes" reported previously, 4-5 of the "bog things" composed of plantlife. 5,000gp were collected from remains and turned in to the coffers upon return. Of this 1,200gp were donated to the coffers each by Watchman Angalae and Recruit Illyana. F. CONDITION OF PERSONNEL: No casualties. *a signature is underlined below:* Iolan Grimsditch Watchman, Core Division (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Patrol2Swamps1.png) Title: Swamp Duty: Central Area Patrol Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on January 30, 2010, 06:37:30 am PATROL INTO CENTRAL AREA
A. PATROL SIZE AND COMPOSITION: Company of four (4): Iolan Grimsditch, Watchman, Core Division (Field Leader) Larinya Angalae, Watchman, Core Division Illyana, Guardsman Recruit, Core Division Lucas Drachen, Civilian Contractor B. MISSION (Type, location, purpose of patrol): To clear the Bog of Desolation of aggressives. C. TIME OF DEPARTURE AND RETURN: 30/01. Estimated time of departure, 1200hrs. Estimated time of return, 1300hrs. D. ROUTES OUT AND BACK: Company again travelled directly south from base (61o 16'N, 49o 38'E), moved full southward length of bog and returned via same route. E. RESULTS OF ENEMY ENCOUNTERS: The most successful patrol thus far. L Drachen instructed group in technique to quickly eliminate 'plague beasts' (large slimes) with minimal hassle if arcanist is present. Company then proceeded into heart of bog, encountered large numbers of 'bog things', lizardmen, slimes. Area was cleared entirely. 17,935gp were collected from remains, of which 11,935 was turned in to the coffers upon return. F. CONDITION OF PERSONNEL: No casualties. *a signature is underlined below:* Iolan Grimsditch Watchman, Core Division (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Swampduty4.png) Title: [Report] Swamp Duty: Recruitment Supplies Post by: Iolan Grimsditch on February 02, 2010, 05:34:05 pm *a copy of a note addressed to the quartermaster has been tucked alongside these reports*
Dear Sir, Please find within 40 of our recruiting leaflets. I am presently stationed at the Bog of Desolation, and had been encouraged before setting out to take a good amount of paper to pass the idle hours; please therefore excuse the smell of the enclosing satchel. I trust they are all in order. *a signature is underlined below:* Iolan Grimsditch Watchman, Core Division (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/WatchmanDuty3.png) |