Title: Friday 22/01/10, 7.45pm - Survival Runs Post by: Bersi on January 18, 2010, 10:50:12 pm When: Friday 22/01/10 7.45pm
Where: Barracks Bring: Nothing except clothes and spellbooks if you're an arcanist Guardsmen rally at the barracks! We'll proceed to Stonekeep to have a joint competition with some face smashing and prizes. CONCEPT: Several groups of 3-5 men are transported to Illshenar without anything except their clothes and spellbooks. Each group leader will recieve a book with directions and sextant. Guided by directions group must locate a crate with equipment they need and further directions. After that they have to use their skills to get as many gold from monsters as they can and locate and dispose other groups in order to get their gold and equipment. RULES:
POINT SYSTEM: +10 points for each 1000 coins they've collected. +100 points for each partly disposed group +500 points for each disposed group. -100 to group if it has collected less than 5000 coins -100 to group if it was partly disposed. -100 points for each survived group. IN CASE OF VICTORY: There's no second place in this game or consolation for losers. Winner recieves half of the gold collected and the special prize. *signed brilliantly with sparkling ink* Junior Arcanist, Bersi Title: Re: Friday 22/01/10, 7.45pm - Survival Runs Post by: Rita on January 22, 2010, 07:45:26 pm *pins to the top of the board*