Title: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: Duncan Calder on January 20, 2010, 04:51:11 pm Hello there fellow Covians,
Sadly I have to be getting rid of my wonderful 17x18 plot along the shoreline of Cove for a number of different reasons wich I will keep to myself. With a current major shortage of funds at the moment I have to sell this house off auction style. PM me if you are interested in the plot, sum of gold offered and icq for contact. If not you can also reach me on icq 117-780-470 Within 5 days I shall announce the winner. Best wishes /Duncan Calder (http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/315/plotd.jpg) Title: Re: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: Duncan Calder on January 21, 2010, 03:08:05 pm *Pins the poster ontop*
Few days to go. Title: Re: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: Kas Valentine on January 21, 2010, 03:20:08 pm Someone claim it for the church, s'a beautiful design !
Course the current chapel is jazzy too and I've no clue what we'd do with it if it wasn't that..... But still, s'gorgeous that is. :-\ Title: Re: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: Duncan Calder on January 23, 2010, 06:42:02 am With a poor response from Cove I now have to widen my search for other buyers.
If there is anyone still feeling they need a plot, do tell, I have placed a fixed price of 500k on it, if not when one day remains it shall be passed to someone else not in Cove. *Signed* Duncan Calder Title: Re: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: Bersi on January 23, 2010, 01:29:43 pm It's a very nice plot close to the Household and I'd prefer it to stay in BoC's posession. If there's someone without a plot in Cove and great ideas about this one, contact me asap please. Otherwise, I'd like to buy it and use for rune library and other arcanist business.
*signed* Junior Arcanist, Bersi Title: Re: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: Faden on January 26, 2010, 04:05:41 pm It would be a shame for these to get into the blues hands.
Bersi perhaps you could make an magic academy (im not sure if the arcanists have anything?) a local rune library (maps with tunnel network...) would be so handy in Cove, that way I wouldn't have to go to Zento. We could have missions where we need to goto locations and start digging a tunnel, then pay the people from Minoc to join it to our network. We would build our own rune library? Title: Re: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: baldur on February 02, 2010, 03:00:45 pm ....þ
Title: Re: House plot going away [17x18] Post by: baldur on February 02, 2010, 03:06:57 pm Ahh i see that Bersi has allredy bought :)