Title: [Report] Brute Strength Post by: Rita on January 26, 2010, 02:20:07 am Leading:
Rita Whalebiter, Junior Guardsman Attending: Bersi, Junior Arcanist Cor'Vani, Watchman Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman Angus Firebrew, Recruit I'd rallied what men were about at the barracks in hopes o' heading out somewhere special, but as they gathered up I found two of 'em either weren't in proper armour, or had lost all o' their gear. As none o' us had the key to the stores, we were treadin' water. So I ordered everyone t'strip down to kilts n' sashes. We were gonna take the orc fort with nay much more than sticks n' swagger. The group held together pretty well from start t'finish, as we stormed on in through the front gates and were swamped with orcs o' all types n' ranks. A foreign feller in orange armour helpfully drew a few o' them big brutes on us so's we didn't hafta go lookin' for 'em. With those taken care of, we proceeded to clear each part o' the fort, leavin' no-where without a heap o' green bodies. The outcome: Six brutes downed. 14,000gp taken t'the coffers. Watchman Whalebiter donated her share o' 3,600. Bandagin' fingers got a fair bit o' practise. *signed* R Whalebiter Junior Guardsman (http://pixelmancy.com/uo/GuardDuties/25.01.10Orcs1.png) |