Title: [REPORT FAO KERES] Aaron Pheonix suspicious activitehs Post by: Ruby Whalebiter on February 10, 2010, 11:42:55 pm Here follows a transcript of what I have witnessed, sir:
Aaron Pheonix: OH MY GOSH COVE ARE TRYING TO DESTROY US ALL Erasmus: No they're not, Cove and Vesper are allies. Aaron Pheonix: YOU HAS TO BELIAEVE MEH WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE MEH?!?! Erasmus: You're in Collegium, nobody trusts you. Nobody likes you - good bye. Aaron Pheonix: O NOES!!!!!! *goes to Cove* Aaron Pheonix: YOU'RE ALL EVIL COVERING THE LANDS IN JAM All: Whut? Title: Re: [REPORT FAO KERES] Aaron Pheonix suspicious activitehs Post by: Linaeus on February 10, 2010, 11:46:05 pm *Uproarous laughter can be heard from the direction of the Grenadier Headquarters. The next morning, there is a large crate of jarred Grape Jam on the steps.*