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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Lucas Drachen on February 12, 2010, 11:34:27 am

Title: The Water Bandit
Post by: Lucas Drachen on February 12, 2010, 11:34:27 am
So not really a major issue but a slight annoyance to watch out for.

Someone has made a character named "Water Bandit" and has been "vandalizing" places with Water Barrels it would seem...

So far the Barracks, My Place, and possibly another have been "Barreled"

The act is harmless enough but just know you all might need tokeep some empty pitchers around  to fight this menace.

Let's all be happy he's not the "Angry Fire Breathing Dragons" Bandit...


Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Lucas Drachen on February 12, 2010, 12:01:19 pm
Minor Update on The Bandit. He tried to talk to me outside the barracks....it looks like we have a mastermind here...... >.>


I deduce he might have some unspoken master plan involving barrels....

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on February 12, 2010, 02:36:46 pm
Easy solution for future reference Drachen, no pitchers needed to get them out of your home: Simply go into customise your house. All you have to do is go into the mode and come out of it again. You don't have to build over where they are. The barrels get thrown outside straight away. :)

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Faden on February 12, 2010, 04:09:36 pm
hehe thats quite funny, go barrel bandit go! - Its lucky you can walk through them, or skip round them in a rp sense.

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Lucas Drachen on February 12, 2010, 04:47:24 pm
must be Faden's sidekick, he sets the barrels and Faden hides in them

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Kas Valentine on February 13, 2010, 04:27:19 pm
All your barrels are belong to us...? ;D

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Faden on February 14, 2010, 12:49:43 am
lol I wish it was me, this guy is obviously a genius.

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Escaflowne -V- on February 15, 2010, 03:51:53 am
Rofl what a crazy guy, its weirdly awesome :P

Don't think anywhere in Vesper has been hit yet, he must have a soft spot for you Covians :)

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Linaeus on February 15, 2010, 04:29:27 am
We always gets the crazy ones.

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Lucas Drachen on February 18, 2010, 11:59:20 am
Alright a bit of news...

This Water Barrel guy is definetly not just some random guy and it seems he does have a sort of diabolical plot (pissing me off may not have been one but he did)

It appears he is ghosting around guild areas. Blackwind has claimed he has been frequenting their area on  ghost named "Jechs". I saw him there the other evening and warned them about him but they already knew.

From what I can tell his only real goal seems to be ...well being a dick.


I edited the conversation to remove names and actions to protect those the guy spied on. as you can see at the end he suddenly had perfect grammar and well...was a huge douche

The only way to really ghostproof your house apart from setting it to private or having a character with spirit speak is to setup things like statuettes and windchimes around entrances. When a ghost passes by them it will still trigger them alerting you if you are being spied on. Where you can do what you need to..be it set the house private temporarily, or move the conversation somewhere else.

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Park Su-mi on February 18, 2010, 01:52:29 pm
As Hoagie (I think it was) found out when Dave Williams was running around branding him a pedo, there's really not a lot EA will do about harassment. They'll tell you they're looking into it but there's little they can do.

Just ignore him, really. When you react and stand and argue with him it gives him what he wants - a giggle. If he's stupid enough to keep putting the barrels in houses then they're very, very quickly removed by dropping in and out of custo mode (as Dave Williams found out when he filled the Swaggers and Rebecca just went "... lol?" and got rid of them.)

As for spying, er, is he actually doing anything or just watching them? Again, if he's not actively bothering your friends just tell them to ignore it, tbh. If they're off, lol, doing the nasty in Malas or whatever it is that he's trying to imply then it shouldn't be much of a chore for them to set their house there to private anyway; or recall away and lose him. Know it's a bit long, like, but the game's a big place.

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Celuvian on February 18, 2010, 03:16:12 pm
I love my ignore list in my options menu. I add all pricks like that, they dont get any second chances with me. *high fives the ignore list feature*

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Mela Arkay on February 18, 2010, 07:18:16 pm
Haha what a mongy prick. Obviously some sado who's got a lot of time on their hands.

Title: Re: The Water Bandit
Post by: Maccen on February 20, 2010, 08:28:01 am
Insta-custom is nice buut many "do-it-yourself" features involving some tiles will be removed and for some of us with intense "stacked" decorations this could be a pain in the ass. . . .

But yeah ignoring him, as we had to do with dave is what it takes. They'll get bored eventually. The Idea is to not even attempt RP with them, known griefers don't deserve the time of day much less an emote *Ignores Barrel Bandit* .

Just my two sence on the matter re-iterating whats already been said.