Title: [Report FAO Captain Keres] Post by: Rita on February 15, 2010, 01:50:57 am
Title: [Report FAO Captain Keres] Post by: Rita on February 27, 2010, 12:49:26 am Captain,
Regarding attack on Household tonight around 2030: We were struck in three phases: 1) Juggernauts in the Llama Point region. 2) Betrayers near Grenadier Headquarters and the Goblin. 3) "Exodus Minions" at the city gates. They didn't penetrate into the town itself. Patrol of the Shire and orc's fort turned up nothing of note. Couldn't locate their entry point. Possibly by sea-- one foreign vessel found by southern watchtower but unlikely to have carried heavy forces. No known casualties. Cadet Bersi has ordered step up in patrols until further notice. Rita (http://pixelmancy.com/uo/GuardDuties/26.02.10bl.png) |