Title: Orc Fort Owl Hunt
Post by: Faden on February 16, 2010, 01:18:52 am
BREAKING NEWS: OWLS SIGHTED IN ORC FORT.............. RUBY PICKS HER NOSE.............. PICKLES TURNS EVIL. | Lead by: Rita Whalebiter
Attended by: Angus Firebrew [Donated 2,500 shillings] Ruby Whalebiter Elizabeth Martins Bersi
Loot Collected: 20,328 gold 1 heart
We set off to Orc Fort because Rita had heard there were owls there, weird if you ask me!
The group killed many orcs and large giants, damn the're nasty. The docks were clear but Ruby started Hiccuping, we thought she was drunk, hiccups apparently... yeah right she has the manners of a ogre.
There was a make shift bed of hides and leathers... guess its where the Orcs get down and funky, lets forget that thought. More wizz cracks and pops later by the arcanists and more Orcs were laying on the floor.
We left the Orc Fort a little richer but there were no sign of any owls, I think someone was fibbin' to Rita. | |
(http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/encounter_21fsf.jpg)(http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/encounter_21sff.jpg) (http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/encounter_21saf3f.jpg)(http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/orc_bedroom.jpg) (http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/wheres_owls.jpg)(http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/ruby_drunk235d.jpg) (http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/evil_pickles.jpg)(http://www.neverdream.eu/uo/reports/gold.jpg) Signed,Angus FirebrewGuardsman Recruit