Title: [Report] Sentry in the Altmere Post by: Rita on February 20, 2010, 05:01:13 am Attending:
Junior Rita Whalebiter, leading. Junior Celuvian Haap Junior Keitaro Kazami Junior Bersi Watchman Cor'Vani Watchman Ruby Whalebiter Lead a group up to the Altmere crossroads yesterday afternoon. Had the men set up sentry walls in the centre of it, then paired them up for a few rounds of practise fighting inside the building itself. The fortress's pretty narrow, and there're only ladders running between floors, so mobility were a challenge for them. We finished off with a free-for-all what must've lasted quarter of an hour, good run as we'd figured out how to use the ladders to our advantage by that time. No strange activity noted at the sentry. Quiet night. *signed* Rita Whalebiter Junior Guardsman (http://pixelmancy.com/uo/GuardTrainings/18.02.10a.png) |