Title: Sunday, Feb 20 - Sunday Events - 7:45pm GMT onwards Post by: Linaeus on February 21, 2010, 03:17:55 am 7:00pm GMT - Repair Hour
Free repairs and cheap goods at the bank in New Haven. All craftsmen are welcome to set up stalls to ply their wares and make repairs. We cannot guarantee that stalls will not be randomly stolen by the natives. 7:45pm GMT - Promotions & Awards Parade Rallying up fifteen minutes early so we'll all be at the barracks and lined up by 8:00pm, so we can get through the considerable number of items on the schedule and still make it to the wargames on time. Please bring everything you'll be needing for the wargames, and take care of all needs IRL beforehand. 8:30pm GMT - Wargames in Jhelom Directly after Parade we'll be going to Jhelom, hopefully to win the third in what will with any luck be a long series of stunning victories. Bring the characters you're most comfortable fighting with, prioritizing ones with high survivability. Title: Re: Sunday, Feb 20 - Sunday Events - 7:45pm GMT onwards Post by: Bersi on February 21, 2010, 09:29:06 pm *BUMP!*