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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Lucas Drachen on February 22, 2010, 02:11:07 am

Title: Monday Feb 22, 8PM, First T&N Tournament of Champions!!
Post by: Lucas Drachen on February 22, 2010, 02:11:07 am
Where: Meet at The Green Goblin

When: 8PM GMT

What to Bring: Anything that helps you fight!!

Why: Because Fame and Fortune Await you!!

The first tournament of champions shall be held this Monday.  Fighters of any class or affiliation may take part in this tournament as long as they are allowed within Cove to do so. The Tournament will be run on a point system, Below is listed the points given per situation. No weapon or spell restrictions will be given, Fight as you would normally in the equipment you are used to!

Each Contestant will fight three random matches each night. At the end of the night points will be totalled and rewarded to contestants and kept archived here on the boards. each match will be given a 10 minute time limit. If no fall happens within this time then the match is called as a Draw. Also is the rare occasion two fighters down each other at the same time a Draw is called.

Point System:
  • Winning a match: 10 Points
  • Losing a Match: -5 Points
  • Draw: 5 Points
  • 0/3 Record: 0 Points
  • 1/3 Record: 5 points
  • 2/3 Record: 10 points
  • 3/3 Record: 20 points

Fame and Fortune System:
The points you gain through the tournaments can be used to either purchase prizes from T&N or you may gather them up and gain some perks of having high fame. Listed below are some of the current choices..

  • #1 Point Standing: Title of Champion, 3 Free Items or Supplies from T&N a week
  • #2 Point Standing: Half off any T&N Purchase
  • #3 Point Standing: 25% off any T&N Purchase.
  • Top 5 Standings: All purchases at The Green Goblin paid in full to T&N's Tab

  • Keg of a Potion: 200 Points
  • 200 Enhanced Bandages: 200 Points
  • New Set of Armor: 500 Points
  • 10 of each Combat Potion: 100 Points
  • 2 Weapons of choice: 100 Points
  • 10 of a Consumable(Grapes/Apples/Petals): 300 Points
  • Gold: 100 per 10 Points
  • 500 Arrows or Bolts: 200 Points
  • 100 of each reagent: 500 Points

Final Fight:
At the end of the night the two combatants with the highest points will be given the option to fight each other. If they both agree then the fighters both wager half of their points for the night. The winner takes half of the other's points.

Point Totals:
At the end of the night all your total points are saved on your record. Those points cannot be lost by any means other than spending them for Items via The Fortune System.

Hope to see you all there!!

Lucas Drachen, Arms Dealer

Title: Re: Monday Feb 22, 8PM, First T&N Tournament of Champions!!
Post by: Rita on February 22, 2010, 04:14:48 pm