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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Starkad on March 18, 2010, 03:35:36 am

Title: Cross Healin' trainin on Rooftops
Post by: Starkad on March 18, 2010, 03:35:36 am
Junior Grenadier Rita Whalebiter
Junior Guardsman Morgar Dyn
Junior Grenadier Delerium
Junior Grenadier Keitero Kazami
Guardsman Recruit Starkad

I arrived a bit late on the trainin area.Probably because I sobered up in a barn of some house,with a fat woman wrapped around my body,It was hard gettin her off of me.I was too disgusted from my self but I guess thats what happens if you mix Covian Ale with Moonglow Whiskey.

The trainin' was about healin' a partner in the heat of a battle.As I walked in to the area Buttons had to leave for another important mission.(I sometimes think that he goes chasin women,and tells us he is going on missions. I will follow him oneday to help him with the mission.)
I teamed up with Junior Grenadier Rita first.We made a good team,but I couldn't hold on fer long,as I was defeated by Junior Grenadier Keitaro
then we swapped teams.I teamed up with Junior Grenadier Morgar and we were a solid piece of fighting machine,we won 2 rounds.Then we swapped teams and I teamed up with Keitaro,I got distracted by Rita's weapon and as I was dodging it,Morgar got me.So we got defeated eventually.

The trainin was over.
Starkad Out.

P.S:No scetches are available as we were too buisy fightin...