Title: [Report] Sentry with team training Post by: Leanne Martin on April 01, 2010, 11:43:47 pm Attending Guardsmen:
- Ilyana, Junior Guardsman (leading) - Bersi, Arcanist Cadet - Fred S. McScoutesen, Junior Scout (OOC: Kal Shadowhand) - Starkad, Guardsman Recruit I heard rumors, that the milita are hunting elves and arcanists for fun and burn them at stake. To check them, I've visited yesterday to Yew and had too feel it myself... I gladly escaped somehow with my life, but they already prepared a pyro for me... I feel it is my duty to strenghen the defenses at our borders and steel our guardsmen bodies. I took the first best bunch of guardsmen I found and went with them to the Altmere Outpost and setted up a sentry together with them. We guarded the location quiet a while and moved to training afterwards. I gave them a little theory about using consumables correctly and tried with them to put it into practise. We made two pair fights, first team I and Bersi, on the other hand Fred and Starkad. Bersi and I (well, more Bersi than I) managed somehow to defeat them, though it was a tough battle. Next teamed up with Starkad, while Bersi and Fred were together. I don't really have to say that this was a blaming fight for Starkad and me... Still I did my best and almost knocked out Fred, but one of them is already a decent challenge, but teamed up... We shall have to do more sentries in the future, for the sake of Cove and the people. Ilyana, Junior Guardsman (http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/5264/sentry1.png) Title: Re: [Report] Sentry with team training Post by: Bersi on April 02, 2010, 08:01:27 am Good work, Junior. I will ask Light Company to check these Yewish folks hunting mages. We won't tolerate Covians being accused in foul wytchery and targeted by mindless fanatics.
*signed perfunctorily* Arcanist Cadet, Bersi |