Title: Saturday's Duty Post by: Delfer on April 05, 2010, 12:49:19 am Commanding Officer: Buttons, Regular Grenadier Guardsmen in Attendance: Keres, Grenadier Captain Bersi, Arcanist Cadet(Late) Kurt, Senior Guardsmen Raven, Regular Grenadier(Late) Morgar Dyn, Junior Guardsmen Ilyana, Junior Guardsmen Headed out to Ilshenar following the Captain directions to the cyclops place. Once we got there we smashed through their hordes rather easily. They carry a good sum of gold on them. Leaving a trail of bodies behind we ventured into a dungeon with more of them in it. We smashed through even more of them down there despite the walls trying to kill us and a few surprises around the corners. The place was too easy for a group our size. Going deeper I heard "large" noises from down the corridor which stirred up bad memories of this place so we got into an arkay box and Keres lured whatever is was down to us. It was a balron apparently. We killed two of them before going deeper in the dungeon to some level infested with undead and mages. It was manageable but I was paranoid of a paragorn trapping us in one of the rooms there which could've ended horribly so we went. We fought our way back out of the dungeon and came back to Cove with 45,000 pieces for the coffers. Everyone donated theirs except Keres and Kurt who took their share of 1,000. (http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/1729/thatonetimewekilled2bal.png) *Signed* Buttons, Regular Grenadier |