Title: [Report]The Day We Couldn't Crossheal: Part 2: Pain,Training. Post by: Starkad on April 05, 2010, 02:02:28 am Series Starring
The Good: [b]The Bad: [/b] Grenadier Captain Torrak Keres Blood Elemetals Paragon Regular Grenadier Raven Ratman Paragon Splinter Arcanist Cadet Bersi Harpy Paragons Junior Grenadier Keitaro Kazami The Ugly: Junior Guardsman Ilyana Dread Spiders,Lyches Junior Guardsman Morgar Dyn Gargoyles,Gazers,Elves Watchman Starkad Drakes and Wyvrms, Rotting Corpses,etc.. Co Starring: Guardsman Recruit Abel Nightroad Some templewood knight Hrothgar??? Funny thing happend on the road back made a mistake in comming to Ilsh alone on his Recruit ass,We found Recruit Able Nightroad,Armor ripped up,Sewerly insured and bleeding to death. We took Care of him,and he went on his way,to get serious medical attention. For the rest of us, (It was Grenadier Captain Torrak Keres,Regular Grenadier Raven,Junior Grenadier Keitaro Kazami,Junior Guardsman Ilyana,Junior Guardsman Morgar Dyn and me attending at that point.) Rallied up by the barraks and teamed up for training.I teamed up 2 times with Torrak and Morgar,we lost both of the battles,Torrak thought,it was because of our teams lack of ranged combat. but then I teamed up with Raven,and Ilyana but we lost again,and in a tight spot,that was in our advantage.It was my fault,and I let all of my team mated down that day.The disgrace got to me even more than any battle wound would have. The last training was in pairs.I paired with Raven.We stuck in the shadows waiting for our prey,but Torrak was too fast so I stabbed Raven instead.It was Kietaro's bow that beaten me.I deserved it anyway. One interesting thin occured at the end of the training aswell.An army Veteran,and I was told that he also was the very founder of Baron's Grenadier's Hrothgar came,with a pale looking armor. Never met him,in my entire life but he is a charismatic fella that one. Watchman Starkad out. Title: Re: [Report]The Day We Couldn't Crossheal: Part 2: Pain,Training. Post by: Leanne Martin on April 05, 2010, 10:04:52 am *a note has been scribbled down at the bottom of the report*
Decent report Watchman! Though it'd be better if ye could provide some scetches next time. For any case ye'll forget it again next time, I'll provide some for ye. Ilyana, Junior Guardsman |