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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Morgar on April 07, 2010, 02:47:17 am

Title: New title...thing.
Post by: Morgar on April 07, 2010, 02:47:17 am
So, we have full control over our titles.

What are we not to do?

I assume that paperdoll titles are pretty irrelevant, since it's only fame/karma and profession titles there.

For our character name and titles, I assume we need to keep [BoC] as opposed to any profession title as our name (the one that comes up when we come onscreen) in accordance with showing our tags at all times.

But for the subtitle (for example, mine is Junior Guardsman, Baronship of Cove) where we can instead put a profession title, are we also required to maintain our guild title?

My gut feeling is yes, but I like the idea of keeping it on whenever you can tell (I mean, in uniform, IC I have a badge with my rank on it...) but if I was off being in civvies or even undercover, being able to instead be Morgar Dyn [BoC], Grandmaster Lumberjack (or however it works) could be quite cool. I understand it's damn new so I'm not demanding answers; merely curious.

Title: Re: New title...thing.
Post by: Bersi on April 07, 2010, 09:13:11 am
Personally, for the main title I see the [BoC] part as a must. It's not only for in-guild, but for cross-guild regulations too. As for subtitle, I'm inclined to agree that when character is out of the uniform or a civilian he can use the subtitle thing. Though person holding Bailiff, Steward or Taxman titles might want to be recognized in order to work without any complications.

Title: Re: New title...thing.
Post by: Celuvian on April 07, 2010, 11:13:38 am
Yea, I wouldnt see a problem with IC take off your badge (Junior Guardsman title) when not on duty and instead choosing to show a skill profession etc ;) Just remember to put it back on when you return to duty! IMO.