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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on April 12, 2010, 10:52:41 pm

Title: Back to Basics - Report
Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on April 12, 2010, 10:52:41 pm
Nicholi Ravnthorn - Regular Guardsman

Bersi - Arcanist Corporal
Thomas Aylmer - Junior Arcanist
Ilyana - Junior Guardsman
Jessica Pheonix - Guardsman Recruit

Today I lead a short training "back to basics." This training was to focus on physical fitness, and it's importance in teamwork, warriorship, and the battlefield. We also touched on paired fighting, cross-healing, traget calling, and target selection. We started we a basic warm up including laps, push ups and star jumps, nothing to horrible. After a warm up I explained why it was important for a warrior to be able to "take a hit" so we moved onto toe to toe boxing while I bashed them with a dull blade.

(http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/2366/training.jpg) (http://img301.imageshack.us/i/training.jpg/)

I soon moved onto paired combat, where I explained the dire need for cross-healing, target calling and target selection. I pinpointed my basic opinion, and how I choose targets on the battle field. Starting with the farhtest ranged and fastest, moving down to the closest ranged and slowest. I also mentioned how I like to pick off the weaker targets first, which can weaken your enemies' defense and healing structure. Here is the list of targets to hit in order:

1.  Arcanists
2.  Archers
3.  Poisoners
4.  Polearmists/axers
5.  Heavy shielders

Although I didn't touch on any new information, I find it very important to drill these subject into our brains everyday. Everyone should know this and remeber these things on the battle field.

Nicholi Ravnthorn
Regular Guardsman