Title: [Report] Altmere Sentry Post by: Hoagie on April 13, 2010, 12:33:23 am Leading:
Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist Attending: Hrothgar, Hardened Grenadier. Morgar Dyn, Junior Guardsman Starkad, Watchman Jessica Phoenix, Guardsman Recruit Cailin Keres, Guardsman Recruit It was just after Nicholi's training, and we were all feeling a little energetic. The newest recruit, Jessica, had suggested a sentry at the northern outpost. We arrived quickly, and I had Recruit Jessica cut wood, as Watchman Starkad gathered hides. I set myself to constructing crates, which Recruit Jessica then arranged. Soon after, Morgar arrived, and together, we faught off a brigand attack! This was followed by the arrival of Cailin and Hrothgar, and a well earned feast. (http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/9632/sentryu.png) *Signed* Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist, Hero Squad. |