Title: The Swaggers Inn present: Wednesday 19th May - 19:30pm gmt Post by: Rebecca - The Swaggers Inn. on April 13, 2010, 01:08:19 am (http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/1443/chessq.jpg) The Chess game! [SIZE="6"]Wednesday 19th May 19:30pm gmt [/SIZE] Angie - of the Swaggers Inn have challenged Thomas Jericho for a game - and he accepted! And instead of just a small board and some gamepieces - We want it large and there for we need your help! We gather at west Vespers moongate (Minoc Moongate) from 19:15pm gmt. Where portals to the chessboard in Nujel'm will be opended. (Once the game is over - Portals back to west Vespers will be opend) If you didn't sign up yet, hurry up! And do it HERE (http://"http://www.uoforums.com/vesper-trading-company/75469-chess.html") so we can get the costumes for the diffrent "pieces" sorted out. You can also sign up by sending a pigeon to Angelica Wish (ICQ#103573667) or Rebecca (ICQ#561206018) Now it shouldnt really be nessacery to mention that this is a peaceful event but again, rather be safe than sorry - So! Let's see the best behavior eh? We hope to see you there! [OOC: My apologies for pushing the event a week without informing people properly. Angie and Thomas have recently moved in together and unfortunally, they couldnt get hooked up on a connection before the 17th May. Instead of cancelling the event - Angie and I spoke together and we decided to move the event to the 19th May. I managed to edit the date inside the poste - But I can't change it on the title - so with all the "push the date" - Could the people that signed up , but wont be able to attend the 19th May - please send me a PM or ICQ#: 561206018. Cheers and sorry for the lack of info.] |