Title: Arms Master Tournament - Saturday 4/24/10 8pm GMT Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on April 18, 2010, 03:32:28 am When
Saturday April 24th, 2010 8pm GMT Where Barracks Rooftop Bring Only Archers will be required to bring their own bolts or arrows, everything else will be supplied. The famous Arms Master Tournament is back! Tighten your belts boys and girls, this weeds out the best of the best. Rules: - No Arcane usage of any kind (Magery, Chivalry, Necromancy, Spellweaving, Mysticism or Spirit Speak) - No Bushido or Ninjitsu - No Potions, Petals or Fruit of any kind (Including smokebombs) - No Hiding - Only the weapons you are issued may be used in the Tournament. - Only the Armour given may be used in the Tournament - Only 10 bandages per bout. If any of the above rules are broken, you will be imediately ejected from the tournament. *Signed* Nicholi Ravnthorn Regular Guardsman Title: Re: Arms Master Tournament - Saturday 4/24/10 8pm GMT Post by: Leanne Martin on April 24, 2010, 06:48:32 pm *shuffles to the top*