Title: After Parade at the memorial square - Wedding time! Post by: Leanne Martin on April 25, 2010, 01:12:48 am Hear it, hear it! All people of Cove and the allied nations are kindly invited for... (http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/2183/ilystar.jpg) ... the Wedding of Starkad and Ilyana. After hard times, we finally made it to get together again. We know, it's all a bit quick now, but the sooner we get this over, the better. Still, a wedding doesn't come on his feet all by itself, that's why we need help of you! Jennifer Phoenix is going to take this job Hrothgar is going to take this job Bersi, Mai and Penny are going to take this job Please contact the bride as soon as possible with a pigeon 470701192 or write below here. The wedding will be held at the memorial square right after the parade! Starkad and Ilyana |