Title: A new coming Post by: Keitaro Kazami on May 04, 2010, 11:29:32 am *a copy has been posted here from the IC Boards*
Mizuho stood outside the Goblin wondering is she would be welcomed after the way she had left it all those months ago. She looked up and noticed there was a candle burning in a window meaning there was staff in the Goblin. "But this late at night?" She mused. She shrugged her shoulder and decided to go in and see who it was. She walked up the stairs and open the door. Closed them and walked over to the counter and sat down on a stool, and blinked. It was Mat Shadowhand the Owner of the Goblin. She smiled to herself. "Evening Mat" She said. "Well isn't this a pleasant surprised" Mat said. "What bring you hear?" He said smiling. "A job." She replied. He smiled again. "Really? You willing to help take care of the Goblin? It seems Miss Scarlet has gone and disappeared on me." "Sure." She said smiling back at him. "Great. I was just about to make out an order. It seems nothing was done while I was gone." Mat said rummaging thru the cabinets behind the bar. "You had some bar-lass serving the drinks while you were gone." "Aye but she did not stock anything." He said shaking his head. Mizu just grinned. She got up and walked over to the door to the bar. "Well you going to give me some keys so I can help ya with that?" She asked smirking. "Oh... that would help wouldn't it." Mat said chuckling. "Aye it would." Mat walked over and handed her some keys. She took them and let herself behind the bar and started rummaging around. "S'odd." She said when she walked behind the bar. "Hmm? Odd?" "Aye odd facing this way. Not use to it." "Oh.. Yes it is odd but we have more room this way." "Aye I guess we do." She said smiling. Mizu spent most of the night moving and organizing most of the stuff downstairs while Mat went and got more supplies and drinks that they were not going to special order. After a long time and much moving she sighed and stretched. "Well that should just about do it for now." "I see you moved a lot of stuff around. I'm sure this will help out a lot with it." "Aye it should all the food is in one room now instead of scattered around two. And all the excess drinks are in the barrels." "Good. Well I'm going to call it a night... its good to have you back Mizuho." "Its good to be back Mat." She said smiling once again. "I'll see you later Mat its about time I headed home." Mat nodded and went to his office. Mizu walked through the secret door downstairs and headed home for a good nights sleep thoroughly tired but happy. Title: Re: A new coming Post by: Axiana on June 20, 2010, 01:06:07 am *Axiana attempts to catch up on outstanding paperwork on behalf of the Steward of Cove...*
Back behind the bar... 25 Shillings awarded ~ Mizuho, Commoner |