Title: Tweeso's Treasure Hunt - 7pm BST, Wednesday 26/05/10 Post by: Gregor Eason on May 23, 2010, 02:03:25 pm Greetings all!
Tweeso's Treasure Hunt This Wednesday the legendary treasure hunter Tweeso will be guiding a group of Covians to unravel some fine booty! Nay, I do not speak of the scrumptious wenches at the Green Goblin.. but of mass fortunes buried across Britannia! Citizens as well as guardsmen are welcomed, but if ye're a citizen it is preferred ye have some combat experience. Come one, come all! Where: Meet outside Covian Barracks, Baronship Household Bring: Combat Gear, Provisions. When: 7pm BST, Wednesday 26/05/10 Regards, Gregor Eason Senior Guardsman, Covian Army |