Title: [Report] Fortune Treasure Hunt! Post by: Faden on June 27, 2010, 11:31:42 pm Led By: Cor'Vani [Donated 2,000 gold] Attending: Faden Wildheart [Donated 2,000 gold] Bersi [Donated 2,000 gold] Abigail Keres [Donated 2,000 gold] Ilyana [Donated 2,000 gold] Sergio Jarrett (http://www.uoforums.com/members/cheeseplant-albums-reports-picture1764-25-06-10-1.gif) The six guardsmen/woman head off to Britain in search of fortune and untold riches. (http://www.uoforums.com/members/cheeseplant-albums-reports-picture1765-25-06-10-2.gif) After searching around for awhile they stumbled upon a chest hidden under a tree. (http://www.uoforums.com/members/cheeseplant-albums-reports-picture1766-25-06-10-3.gif) The chest vanishes... very strange, it was either a trick chest planted by a child or it sunk into the ground. (http://www.uoforums.com/members/cheeseplant-albums-reports-picture1767-25-06-10-4.gif) We quickly found a new chest... a few monsters appeared to guard it but it was a easy fight. (http://www.uoforums.com/members/cheeseplant-albums-reports-picture1768-25-06-10-5.gif) Treasure!!! (http://www.uoforums.com/members/cheeseplant-albums-reports-picture1769-25-06-10-6.gif) Orgre lords were a challenge but no one fell, the guardsmen were excellent healers. Signed, Regular Scout, Faden Wildheart |