Title: [Report] Sentry at Altmere Fort Post by: Rita on July 01, 2010, 08:05:38 am Attending-
Bersi, Arcanist Corporal Fred, Regular Scout Rita Whalebiter, Junior Grenadier Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist Sergio Jarett, Junior Guardsman Cor'Vani, Junior Guardsman Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman John Smyth, Pizza Boy *a hasty note has been scrawled over a selection of sketches:* Found a vagrant had been setting up in the keep on the Altmere Way with venemous snakes. Had her taken out and a sentry wall built along the outside to seal the place off whilst we inspected the building for any sign of tampering or other pests. None found. R Whalebiter Junior Grenadier (http://i.imgur.com/6wsq2.jpg) |