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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on July 07, 2010, 10:11:12 pm

Title: Light Company Trial ~ Sergio Jarrett
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 07, 2010, 10:11:12 pm
Ah Sergio!

I remember ye from the other night in the tavern. Yer name suggests ye should be a Trinsican silk shirt salesman but it seems ye've been executin' yer duties well and have impressed on yer way ter the rank of Junior Guardsman. Well... Let's see if yer have what it takes ter impress me and those that would have ye in the Light Company eh?

Here are your trials...

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Task One.

The first task for all potential Scouts is to obtain the Magical Flute. It's a symbol of the Scouts and has been used as a cummunication device since the formation of the Light Company and before that by the woodsmen and rangers of the Shire.

To obtain the flute you must seek out the old hag that dwells in a hovel in the southern woods of Yew. She will set you on your way in the quest for this mystical instrument.

I want a full report pinned below detailing your successful completion of this mission.

* * * * * * * *

Task Two.

This task is twofold. The saying goes that you keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Well, who knows which categories our neighbours in Vesper and Yew fall into these days but one thing is for certain, we need up to date intelligence on their troop strength, military outposts and whether or not there's any whispers of upcoming aggression.

You will don a suitable disguise (a different one for each part of the mission), venture into both Yew and Vesper at a time of day when their numbers should be strongest and you will note down their overall strength, divisional strength (i.e. How many Waywatchers or Warlocks etc.) and the condition of their military outposts and activities. We need to know if our neighbours are gearing up for anything.

I must remind you Junior to don a believable disguise and also prepare a believable background in case you are questionned or even imprisoned. Needless to say, if you are foolish enough to be captured whilst carrying out this mission the Baronship will deny all knowledge of your existence.

We don't want any diplomatic incidents now do we Junior?

I want a full report pinned below detailing these missions.

* * * * * * * *

Task three.

You are to lead a mission, taking at least three other shadow walkers (Scouts and unsquadded stealthers) with you, to the location of your choice and using the Light Company's famed hit, run, hide, hit tactics, you will assassiante a balron and get your men and women safely home.

I want a full report inclusing a sketch of the slain balron.

Good luck Junior. Let's see if you have what it takes to follow in the footsteps of the Valiros, Althalus and Arkays of the world eh?


Raiden Morana,
Exploring Officer, Baronship of Cove.

Title: Re: Light Company Trial ~ Sergio Jarrett
Post by: Sergio on July 10, 2010, 12:31:25 am
Task One~ The Flute

I headed from the yew moongate and passed right under the yewish noses in Stone Keep to save some time as they seemed to be having some sort of tea party I couldn't help but make note to laugh later.  I helped them out as they seemed to be slacking by taking care of a band of brigands and a few ettins on my way to see the Hag.


She told me to find her newest apprentice and recover a recipe from him she sounded like she lost a lot of them and when I found him he was dead and an imp had grabbed it, when I told her she didn't seem surprised and told be to go off and get his location from some imps.


After beating a few imps I was given the flute and a map.  After that I figured it was her problem and I gave her the map.


Sergio Jarrett
Junior Guardsman

Title: Re: Light Company Trial ~ Sergio Jarrett
Post by: Bersi on July 10, 2010, 07:56:38 pm
Good work so far, Sergio. Keep it up!

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi

Title: Re: Light Company Trial ~ Sergio Jarrett
Post by: Sergio on July 17, 2010, 07:09:51 pm
Task Three

Attended by:
Leith Keres Junior Scout
Garrand Junior Scout
Sergio Jarrett Junior Guardsman
Ragnar Bearclaw Guardsman Recruit

I started by finding three other shadow walkers and calling them to the barracks for my task I than briefed them on what was to be done and we set off to the cove moongate.


After going through the moongate to spirituality I told them how we'd approach the dungeon.


After we got into the dungeon we headed to where the balrons play and leith used his disguise to act like one, although it didn't work to well, he got one away from the pack and we killed it with only minor trouble.  After dejawing the first balron Keres decided we'd kill another and commenced luring it to us, so we had to take care of it and a few minutes later we had a pile of balrons.

I decided it'd be a waste to just kill two balrons so we killed some blood elementals and left.


Sergio Jarrett
Junior Guardsman

Title: Re: Light Company Trial ~ Sergio Jarrett
Post by: Sergio on August 18, 2010, 08:48:13 pm
Task Two~Yew

I entered stone keep In disguise of a templar expecting them to immediately take notice but as I walked in none of them moved even a centimeter everyone of them was disorganized and unmoving.  I addressed Madsen and he shrugged off the threat of disrespecting the avatar like it was nothing.


While, I may have not been the most convincing Templar my disguise was perfect and should have granted them caution of what they said it is clear that the Yewish are either worshipping the guardian or have generally accepted that they are damned.


My conclusion, the Yewish numbers are weak and they seem to be out of practice and unalert.

Sergio Jarrett
Junior Guardsman

Title: Re: Light Company Trial ~ Sergio Jarrett
Post by: Sergio on August 19, 2010, 12:12:35 am
Task Two~ Vesper

I entered the Swaggers in the guise of a vesper private and after the initial threat of getting my teeth knocked in if I demands taxes by Rebecca I was able to ask about the state of the army In carefully worded questions.




After ordering a drink and listening in on other conversations I concluded that the army must be in disarray after current event have shift there command so drastically.  They are in no position to fight with there scattered and missing troops.

Sergio Jarrett
Junior Guardsman