Title: A Letter Addressed to the Covian Barracks Post by: Alfred Bohr on July 19, 2010, 05:19:46 pm The letter is open as a postcard would be, and has a post stamp in the top right-hand corner, marked "Delivered". On the back it is addressed to the Covian Barracks.
To whom it may concern, I, Alfred Bohr, am writing this letter to inform the Covian army that I have not, as one would assume considering the context of my Furthermore, please believe me when I say that I have not gone to Vesper to join their army. Also, please do not look for me in Vesper, or within their ranks. Sincerely, Alfred Bohr Title: Re: A Letter Addressed to the Covian Barracks Post by: Hoagie on July 19, 2010, 05:25:09 pm Hoagie sits at the desk, leafing through a copy of the poste. Noticing the letter, he leans over and picks it up. Dropping it back down, he grunts sourly.
"Should 'ave locked th'door so 'e couldn't get out." |