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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Railen Morana on August 01, 2010, 11:15:14 pm

Title: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines
Post by: Railen Morana on August 01, 2010, 11:15:14 pm
Scouting the Tokuno Mines

Ilyana: Trip Leader and Wearer of fine Milnery

Kas Valentine: Milnery Aficionado and Arcanist

Cor’vani: Junior pointy eared guardsman

Railen Morana: Watchman

Brenna Night: Recruit

As no one in command could be bothered with getting out of their beds, Junior Arcanist Ilyana led us to scout out the Tokuno mines.

After a glowy substance was applied to all of us by the Arcanists to help us see our way in the gloomy caves, we entered. As soon as our feet passed the portal, we were set upon but dull copper elementals.

Dispatching them swiftly we pressed forward, into a group of awaiting warriors and priests. They seemed none too pleased. It being Sunday, I believe we may have interrupted their demonic prayers. Perhaps this is why “she of the glorious hat” had notice they were going to perform some kind of evil rite.

 We fought our way from one end to the other until we came across elders- shrunken little old lady looking things with a pretty heavy bag they swing around to smack you in the head with. You know what they say...as a woman ages her purse gets larger and heavier. These old biddies proved it. A few of us got knocked out from time to time but we managed to haul back 48253 coins which amounted to roughly 8 K each. Only Kas claimed his share, the rest donated to the Coffiers.

Title: Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines
Post by: Bersi on August 02, 2010, 07:55:50 am
Good report, Watchman. Although it would be even better with few more sketches.

Guardsman Duty awarded to all attendees.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi

Title: Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 02, 2010, 12:30:44 pm
The sketches are pending chief, I'm responsible for those.

And here they are....



Title: Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines
Post by: Leanne Martin on August 02, 2010, 10:05:10 pm
Decent report! It seems ye two work well together! Just a few hints for all for the future.

  • When I say "form", do so. Do not run to a random guardsman standing somewhere outside. EVERYONE stands next to the guardsman that shouted it. Or else we'll do it next time like Keres and everyone standing more than two tiles away will be shot down.
  • Arcanists, don't run away from a healing hand. You may be beaten up a bit, but the form command is there for a reason.
  • People always complain about powers of magic types. So those Yamotsu priests should have been first priority always, but unfortunaly I always had to say, to take care of them first.
  • All in all, keep always an eye on orders, especially with the constand re-attacking of them. When I say "Move further!", do so, and not wait minutes, kill those in rear and then move. It's way easier to kill foes in a safer place.

Do not take these hints as an offence. Beside all that, everyone was doing an excellent job. I'm sure the Baron would be proud of you all.

Ilyana, Junior Arcanist

Title: Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines
Post by: Kennit Tel-var on August 04, 2010, 07:16:32 pm

That Guardsmen With An Axe Looks Mighty Familiar To me

Title: Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines
Post by: Leanne Martin on August 05, 2010, 07:06:25 pm
Indeed! Kennit Tel'var also attended the hunt and donated his share of 8,000.