Title: Altmere Sentry Post by: Railen Morana on August 14, 2010, 03:15:03 pm Sentry at the Altmere Outpost
In attendance: Ilyana of the Stylish hat Railen: Watchman Ilyana called for all guards to show for sentry duty. As they were all rubbish, she and I did a quick double march and headed straight for the outpost early in the day to make our Covian presence known. Straight away she gave orders to clear the area and gather supplies needed to re-fortify our outpost. We collected many hides and lumber, and set in to make improvements to the outposts exterior. A small group of ettins and trolls were dispatched in the woods before they could descend upon us. Their rat minions taken out with them. A panda was spotted in the distance, but lucky for it, wandered away- probably sensing it had no chance against us. Clearly, they have heard of the reputation Covian women have for fierce tenacity. Ilyana shared a tale of a tail, giving me a lesson on how to forage for food while on patrol- and warned of the dangers of craving sausages whilst out in the field. Especially in Meer territory. We guarded the outpost, and worked on a little light sparring to keep in top condition. Our work done, we returned to the barracks, and our homes. As my artistic skills are lacking in the drawing department, Ilyana sketched as I took notes. Title: Re: Altmere Sentry Post by: Leanne Martin on August 14, 2010, 03:22:49 pm Excellent work, Railen! Always keep in mind; PANDAS hate recruits, but hates Watchmen even more. Good for us it travelled by and not towards us. Also, mere's are as evil as PANDAS, for not havin' sausages as tails.
As promised, the scetches.. (http://a.imageshack.us/img251/3553/ilyimagesx14.jpg) |