Title: Cove Town Sentry Post by: Sergio on August 21, 2010, 03:52:29 am Those in Attendance:
Kelly Sanderson, Senior Guardsman Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist Sergio Jarrett, Junior Guardsman - Leading Railen Morana, Watchman Raven Cross, Guardsman Recruit I decided that I haven't seen a sentry on Cove Town since I was a recruit so I figured it was about time for one so I called up some people and set to it. (http://i34.tinypic.com/vfh3xx.jpg) The sentry was rather dull so we occupied time with small talk. Aylmer's puns were horrid so I decided to send Raven and him off to check for orcs making there way towards Cove Town. (http://i36.tinypic.com/2wdzfcm.jpg) When they didn't come back for awhile Railen volunteered to look for them and they shortly returned. After awhile it was obvious nobody would be threatening cove and I realized why Cove Town hadn't been sentried since I was a recruit. *Signed* Sergio Jarrett Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Cove Town Sentry Post by: Bersi on August 22, 2010, 08:54:55 am Good work, Junior. Guarding entance to Covetown is essential for army reputation and protecting peace. Next time, include reasonable taxation and belongings checking. Send all gold and confiscated valuables towards Arcane Company office for further examination.
Guardsmen Duty awarded to all attendees. *signed perfunctorily* Arcanist Corporal, Bersi |