Title: Smuggled Rum into the port of Cove... Post by: Nashiem De'Monti on June 21, 2005, 05:02:55 pm This afternoon Regular Grenadier Ryan Greystone led a patrol to ensure the security of the surrounding area.
Accompanied by:- Recruit Nashiem De'Monti Recruit Cor'Ari Ta Church Sentinel Tydius Benoit After starting off on our rounds to tha Cove Town 'n surroundin's We checked tha docks after havin been informed by Ryan about possible smugglin. (http://img23.echo.cx/img23/8389/screen17cq.jpg) Havin' checked out the cargo 'n the logs for shipment we found it was rum n tha like smuggled in from Buc's Den ... so we went to investigate... (http://img145.echo.cx/img145/9619/screen25cu.jpg) After a bit o co-ersin' 'e got to talkin about the smugglin'.. (http://img145.echo.cx/img145/4409/screen31vs.jpg) He said the goods was bein' kept in the swamps near Cove. So we went to investigate ... (http://img118.echo.cx/img118/9027/screen49cr.jpg) We took the box back to the Northern outpost to look at it in safety.... Regular Ryan Smashed open the lock to find it contained Rum and a note saying it was part of a shipment to be delivered to the docks, to a fella name of Jack... (http://img146.echo.cx/img146/4773/screen59nu.jpg) We went to the Covian docks to find the fella responsible... (http://img29.echo.cx/img29/7214/screen61jz.jpg) After we questioned him and found him to be part of the gang responsible he was arrested and brought back to the barracks to be held for trial... (http://img53.echo.cx/img53/5081/screen72gd.jpg) (Signed) Nashiem De'Monti Title: Re: Smuggled Rum into the port of Cove... Post by: Delcarakdur on June 21, 2005, 08:05:28 pm I can vouch for this story and the arrestation of the smuggler.
May his judgement by the avatar be swift and fair... *signed* Church Sentinel Tydius benoit |